Have you been keeping up with all the good work of our LWV ABC volunteers as they conduct candidate forums for local legislators, city council members, mayors, county commissioners, and conservation district? ![]() Our thanks to Linda Rodgers, Bruce Pomerantz, and Geri Nelson, along with the forum moderators for providing voters with these side-by-side opportunities to Meet the Candidates. We thank the LWV members who chaired the forums – making room reservations, arranging cable television coverage, sending candidate invitations and more – and the timekeepers who kept candidates on task. Special thanks to Pat Kennedy for her work posting and sharing - this is how voters will access our forums this year! You can view all our forums - more than 40 electoral races - on our website at this link. We also have them posted on our YouTube channel at this link. LWV Minnesota is also uploading the videos to the Vote411 website, so our forums will get very good coverage!
Be sure to let your friends and neighbors know about the forums! This is how voters can become educated about their options this election season! Now that our forum videos are on YouTube, you can easily add the video to a Facebook post to encourage friends and family to watch. Closed captions are available on YouTube, too! Comments are closed.
LWV ABC serves most of Anoka County and the city of Champlin in northern Hennepin Couny, Minnesota.Categories
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