![]() Voting is a fundamental right and all eligible voters should have the equal opportunity to exercise that right. LWV is dedicated to ensuring that our elections remain free, fair and accessible. LWV ABC's December 13 meeting focused on voting rights legislation, featuring Congressman Dean Phillips from Minnesota's Third Congressional District. The meeting began with an introduction on voting rights legislation being passed by state legislatures and in the US Congress now by LWV ABC President Gretchen Sabel. Our guest speaker, Congressman Dean Phillips, then shared his perspectives on the legislation and the chances these bills have of passage. We'll have time for discussion after. LWV ABC Program Chair DeeAnn Christensen introduced Representative Phillips and moderated the discussion. QCTV recorded the meeting for later cablecast, you can see it at this link. http://qctv.org/league-of-women-voters/ ![]() Statement on voting rights legislation from LWV US President Dr Deborah Turner in Dec 2 email: Our national legislature continues to be stalled on action supporting voting rights. As a result, many state legislatures feel emboldened to curtail voting rights. I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer as we look to the coming year, nor do I want to be a Pollyanna about where we are headed, but I want to be a realist — for the League and for our country. As we throw our time and energy into our critical activities and campaigns, we must never forget that the backbone of our democracy is the right to vote. If all voices have access and all voices are heard, we can change the things that need to be changed through the will of the people. We all deserve elected officials who understand and respect this point. So, as you commit to changing our world for the better, we must all continue to keep our eye on the prize: fair and equitable access to the ballot box for all voters in our country. This is the ultimate way we defend democracy and empower voters, and that is who we are. Comments are closed.
LWV ABC serves most of Anoka County and the city of Champlin in northern Hennepin Couny, Minnesota.Categories
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