Despite the Board's not seeking public input, the League of Women Voters ABC (Anoka, Blaine, Coon Rapids area) prepared their own draft maps to propose to the Anoka County Board. These were submitted to the Board Chair and County Administrator on April 9 via email. At the April 12 workshop, the Commissioners did not fully review the draft maps that LWV ABC had provided to them. Nor was any opportunity allowed for the LWV ABC members present at that meeting to present the maps to the Commissioners at this work session. The LWV ABC Observer Corps has been working to observe and report on Anoka County Government Actions since 2019. For more information, see the LWV ABC Observer Corps webpage. League of Women Voters ABC (LWV ABC) has been studying Anoka County’s communities and geographical features and based their draft maps on this data. The LWV ABC plan provides a new outlook recognizing the differences in communities and combines communities of interest. Here are the basic tenets that were followed in developing the LWV ABC maps:
League members observe that Scott County has alternate maps posted now on their website and requests public input before coming up with a plan. Without this opportunity, LWV ABC members reviewed census data, new precincts and proposed their own maps to meet concerns of their members. LWV ABC was encouraged to provide input when talking with Board Chair Scott Schulte about public input to redistricting at the April 2021 meeting of LWV ABC The LWV ABC Redistricting Committee engaged in a rigorous process with strong membership support. LWV ABC members reside in all areas of the county. We think our thoughtful, sensible plan serves our county residents well, whether they reside in a large city, river city or rural area.
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LWV ABC serves most of Anoka County and the city of Champlin in northern Hennepin Couny, Minnesota.Categories
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