With thanks for Zoom technology, we had a good turnout for a productive Annual Meeting on April 11! It was a fun meeting and we got everything done that we needed to do. Thanks to all for your participation! We started off with a quiz game on Climate Change and personal responsibility - Bruce Pomerantz was the big winner with a perfect score! Then the meeting started out with remarks from LWV ABC President Gretchen Sabel. You can read her report on the member's only page on the LWV ABC website here. Treasurer Wes Volkenant then presented the proposed budget for the coming year, which was approved by the membership.
Next, elections were held for the odd-year positions on our board, with unopposed incumbents being reelected for two year terms:
-Our Voter Service Chair Linda Rodgers presented our plans for an ambitious and dynamic schedule of candidate forums and voter registration events for this summer and fall – and encouraged members to watch for sign-up opportunities to be engaged. Linda's full report can be read by clicking here. - Our Membership Chair Pat Kennedy reported that we now have 80 members (down from 83 in 2021). Two of these members are Lifetime members with more than 50 years as members. Member milestones were celebrated for the 44 members who have passed 5, 10, 15, or more year milestones; you can read all of them in Pat's report at this link. As Membership Chair, Pat has also updated our membership materials and attends meetings of the Fridley Community Network and the LWV DEI Task Force to raise the profile of LWV ABC in the community and build Diversity and Inclusion in our League. -Our Program Committee Chair Dee Ann Christensen reported that our May 9 meeting will feature students from Andover High School and our June 13 will focus on communicating about Climate Change. We are also partnering with Transformative Circle to host a Juneteenth event at Coon Rapids Dam. DeeAnn's report is linked here. -Other business items included adopting a budget, affirming our local non-partisan policy and more. Read the details of these items in the meeting invitation that went to members: https://www.lwvumrr.org/lwv-abc-blog/lwv-abc-annual-membership-meeting-april-11-at-6pm All the meeting materials and reports are available on the LWV ABC members-only site at this link. Comments are closed.
LWV ABC serves most of Anoka County and the city of Champlin in northern Hennepin Couny, Minnesota.Categories
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