Water advocacy is the central core of LWV UMRR's work. In our four years we have gotten involved in nutrient pollution reduction, nitrate in groundwater and public water supplies, government policy in the federal Farm Bill and now climate change. The work we do is rewarding and provides us a chance to work with our LWV peers across our four-state region. If you are passionate about water issues and are looking for ways to bring that passion to action, LWV UMRR may be what you are looking for! If you want to be more involved in water advocacy with LWV UMRR, consider joining the LWV UMRR
Action Committee. This group meets by phone at 5pm on the 3rd Monday of each month. Led by LWV UMRR Vice-Chair Lonni McCauley, this group sets the stage for our work. If you would like to take part in a call, email us at [email protected] . We would love to have you! We ask each of our member Leagues to designate a person as the contact person for their League. These people follow our work and report back to their Leagues when items affecting them or issues in their area arise. They are also conduits for action alerts and other action items that come out in our newsletter and through emails. Many of these local contact people attend our Annual Meetings which are held in various locations (so far, Dubuque, La Crosse, Chicago and St. Paul). We are pleased to meet everyone and look forward to building deeper relationships with our member Leagues through these contacts. Of course, you are welcome to join us for our peripatetic Board meetings. Our Board meets on the 1st Monday of even-numbered months. We are peripatetic because the Board meetings are held in various locations throughout our watershed. The "Upcoming Events" page of this website always lists where the next meeting will be held. By moving around we are able to meet and work with our member Leagues, making new contacts and learning about local issues. At each Board meeting we have our business meeting followed by an educational session focused on local issues in the area. This is another way that we are building relationships with our member Leagues and their members. Really want to up your involvement? Become a state delegate to our Board - we are looking for state delegates for Minnesota, Illinois and Wisconsin. If you are in one of these states, and are interested in joining our Board, contact your state office* and let them know. (What happened to Iowa? We have a full delegation from Iowa - check our our current Board roster here.) *Contact state offices: LWV Minnesota LWV Wisconsin LWV Illinois Working on environmental issues through League of Women Voters is very rewarding. The people who are involved are passionate, hard-working, intelligent and diligent in their advocacy. We have a great team, and welcome others to lend a hand in this important work!
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