In this video, our speakers talked about watershed restoration and how natural infrastructure is so much more effective at flood control than constructed dams, impoundments and hardscapes. An interesting Q&A followed, moderated by Jenny Whidden, Climate and Environment reporter from the Daily Herald and brief remarks by Illinois State Senator Laura Ellman, author of recent legislation to protect Illinois wetlands left unregulated by the Sackett decision. Each speaker started out by discussing their journey to becoming a water resource professional and the watersheds they are tied to. The organizations represented in this event, and the people who represented them: LWV UMRR - Gretchen Sabel, Communications Director DuPage County Stormwater Division - Sarah Hunn, Director, DuPage County Stormwater Management Forest Preserve District of DuPage County Eric Neidy, Director of Natural Resources SCARCE - Kay McKeen, Founder and President Above: Sarah Hunn, Kay McKeen and Eric Neidy
ILLINOIS, WE HAVE A PROBLEM! Of the streams that Illinois EPA has assessed for water quality conditions from 2020–2022:
This campaign that aims to change the way Illinois thinks about and cares for its water. Starting in southern Illinois and working their way north, PRN will support downstream communities by listening to their concerns and helping to identify and implement locally-informed solutions and financial resources. Through these efforts, PRN will support communities as they build climate resiliency and advance their vision for the future. Clean Water Forever starts with telling the truth about the water quality crisis in the Midwest and ends with finding long-term solutions to protect Illinois communities. Robert Hirschfeld is the Director of Water Policy for the Prairie Rivers Network. The Prairie Rivers Network is based in Champaign, Illinois.
Illinois’ communities, rivers, and habitat. He also works on many of PRN’s communications and social media campaigns, and he produces videos and podcasts. Background: Robert joined PRN in March 2011. Before joining the professional staff, Robert was a legal intern for PRN, working on Clean Water Act compliance and enforcement. Robert sometimes dabbles in music. Education: B.A. in religion and Asian studies from the University of Puget Sound and a J.D. from the University of Illinois College of Law About the Prairie Rivers Network:
The Prairie Rivers Network works to protect water, heal land and inspire change, using the creative power of science, law, and collective action. Prairie Rivers Network is the independent, state affiliate of the National Wildlife Federation. You can read the PRN 2020-2024 Strategic Plan for more information on their mission and vision for Illinois’ rivers and streams. Here are links to information about PRN's organization: MISSION & HISTORY ACCOMPLISHMENTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS STAFF |
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