Our Monday, February 7th program was the "En-Roads Climate Change Workshop" with Jackie Armstrong giving us a live demo on how that software program works. This was a fascinating presentation that clearly features the En-Roads Climate Simulator model and how it can be used to stimulate factual discussions on climate. Watch the video and learn more!
Climate activist Jackie Armstrong demonstrated the En-ROADS simulation model exploring key technology and policy solutions for addressing global warming. En-Roads is a cutting-edge climate simulation model developed by MIT Sloan, Climate Interactive and other partners. The simulator educates about strategies to address climate change via interactive testing, and looks at the many roles global citizens have to play on the path to a sustainable future. The resulting experience is hopeful, scientifically grounded, action-oriented, and eye-opening. The En-ROADS workshop has been run for the U.S. Congress, businesses, Rotary and Kiwanis clubs and international organizations. The #EnROADS climate solutions simulator helps you: ✅ Figure out what climate policy solutions will actually work in real-time ✅ Lead scientifically-grounded, meaningful conversations ✅ Engage people and spark change Links to resources for the presentation:
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