Monday, December 3
Coralville Public Library - Room A 1401 5th St, Coralville, IA 52241 Speakers: Mike Delaney, Izaak Walton League Upper Mississippi River Initiative Field Organizer Lonni McCauley, League of Women Voters Upper Mississippi River Region Action Chair Agenda 1:00 - Gather at the Library for light refreshments 1:25 – Introductions 1:30 – Speakers 2:15 – Audience questions and discussion 2:30 – Adjourn
Throughout the Midwest, absentee landownership of farm land is common. In some places, more than half the farmland is rented. The management of this land is critical - land owners must work with their renters to develop contracts that reward good stewardship and build soil health. How should these discussions be framed? How can the renter protect both the rented land and his bottom line? What will be the farming legacy of these rented lands?
The Izaak Walton League (aka "the Ikes") received a grant from the McKnight Foundation and is developing workshops to provide landowners with this information. The LWV UMRR is working with the Ikes in our four-state area, with a goal of finding member Leagues to work with local Ike chapters put on these workshops throughout the watershed. Both organizations extend the invitation to this meeting in Coralville so we can meet each other and set up the groundwork for local workshop planning. The Coralville Public Library is close to I-80 just northeast of Iowa City. It offers free parking and a large, comfortable room for our use. Click Upcoming Events for a printable flyer you can use to share the information with others. We also have made this an event on Facebook - like us and help spread the word! Here's a map - see you in Coralville! Comments are closed.
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