United, We Stand Stronger!
LWV UMRR Annual Meeting
May 22, 2023 via Zoom
LWV UMRR Annual Meeting
May 22, 2023 via Zoom
LWV's foundation is our local Leagues. We work locally to build and defend democracy, joined together through our State Leagues. Beyond local and state Leagues, we work together regionally and nationally through ILOs and LWV US. We need each other and can depend on each other. United, we stand stronger!
This year we focused on the ties that bind us, and how we can work together more effectively. We featured Jessica Rolhoff, Midwest Regional Organizer for LWV US who gave an update (and answer questions) about the LWV US transformation plan, introducing this new LWV US initiative (regional reps) to our members. We then turned to the LWV US Climate Interest Group. As citizens of the world we must protect our planet from the physical, economic and public health effects of climate change while also providing pathways to economic prosperity. To advance League action on this urgent issue, the LWV Climate Interest Group was formed to collaborate nationwide. The Climate Interest Group is a group of League members from across the United States working together to fight climate change. They've organized teams in important climate issue areas to provide materials for local and state Leagues to use in their education and advocacy. |
Joy Guscott-Mueller is Chair of the Water Team for the Climate Interest Group. She's also the Chair of LWV Lake Michigan Region, the other regional, multi-state Inter-League Organization focused on a major water body. Joy spoke to us about how the work of the Climate Interest Group strengthens the work of ILOs and our member Leagues.
Watch the video of this presentation here: |
Business Meeting May 22 at 5:30 pm
Email notices for the Annual Meeting were sent to member Leagues on Monday, March 20. Delegates are asked to pre-register using the form at this link. Each paid member League could send one delegate. Additional members from local Leagues were welcome to attend, but were asked not to vote when voting occurs.
Materials for the May 22, 2023 Annual Meeting
Agenda for Business Meeting:
5:30 - open meeting, social time 5:45 - qualification of delegates 6:00 - begin business meeting Welcome from Mary Ellen Miller, LWV UMRR Chair Introduce UMRR Board Members May 2022 Annual Meeting minutes Treasurer's Report and proposed 2023-24 Budget Nominating Committee - Slate of Officers Action Committee Report, proposed 2023-24 Program for Action Mississippi River Network Report For the good of the order (announcements) 7:00 - Jessica Rohloff, LWV US Regional Representative 7:30 - Joy Guscott-Mueller, LWV US CInlimate Interest Group 8:30 - Adjourn |
At the 2022 Annual Meeting, we had an excellent keynote talk by Bonnie Cox from LWV Jo Daviess County (IL). If you missed it, here's your chance to catch up:
United, We Stand Stronger - our speakers:
Jessica Rohloff:
Jessica Rohloff hales from a rural Minnesota farming community. Ms. Rohloff's League work has been focused on increasing visibility and partnerships. She has developed programming in the areas of inclusion and equity, particularly as these apply to the league membership, voting rights, and public policy. Other efforts included state-level voting rights advocacy and local voter education. She most recently served as President for her local League and is the former secretary of the LWVUS and LWVEF Boards. In her professional career, Ms. Rohloff has worked on the recovery from and prevention of family violence. She has also worked in affordable housing, mental health care, and as a child and elder care provider. After a two-year hiatus during which time Ms. Rohloff was a fulltime caregiver to a family member with Alzheimer's disease, she formed her own cleaning business to maintain flexibility in ongoing family responsibilities. Jessica has also been previously involved in |
several political candidate and issue campaigns including an unsuccessful bid to become a Representative in the MN legislature. Ms. Rohloff has continued through both paid and volunteer work to be an advocate for justice.
Ms. Rohloff graduated from the University of MN Morris with distinction earning a B.A. in Human Services. She currently manages a farm and maintains her cleaning business. She is an avid reader, writes, performs publicly, and enjoys her large extended family.
Ms. Rohloff graduated from the University of MN Morris with distinction earning a B.A. in Human Services. She currently manages a farm and maintains her cleaning business. She is an avid reader, writes, performs publicly, and enjoys her large extended family.
Joy Guscott-Mueller:
Elizabeth “Joy” Guscott-Mueller is Managing Partner of Guscott Mueller Law, LLC in Chicago. Her firm’s practice includes environmental, real estate, estate planning, business litigation and transactions. A member of U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, Federal Trial Bar, Joy volunteers on its Pro Bono Panel, representing indigent clients in employment discrimination and civil rights litigation. Joy serves as President of the LWV Lake Michigan Region, a four state, fifty-nine chapter, Inter League Organization, with a mission to protect and enhance Lake Michigan and its associated watershed. A member of the LWVUS Climate Interest Group (CIG) Steering Committee, Joy also serves as Chair of the LWVUS CIG Water Team. Past League Board work includes service as Vice President of Program and Board Secretary for her local league and service as an Issues Specialist for the LWV-Illinois, Issues & Advocacy Committee. She also chairs the City of Lake Forest Legal Committee. Past community involvement includes service as a Lake Forest Elementary School Board Member and in leadership for many non-forprofit organizations. Joy holds B.A. and J.D. degrees from University of Illinois at Urbana– Champaign, and a Masters of Divinity from McCormick Theological Seminary in Hyde Park. |