LWV of the United StatesThe League supports the preservation of the physical, chemical and biological integrity of the ecosystem and maximum protection of public health and the environment. The League’s approach to environmental protection and pollution control is one of problem solving.
LWV US's Water Positions are here, beginning on page 96, with more detailed Water positions on page 98. LWV US's Positions on Agriculture are at this link, beginning on page 114. |
LWV IllinoisLWV Illinois' positions on natural resources are here. This site includes positions on sustainable water, large livestock facilities and more.
LWV IowaLWV Iowa supports preservation of prime agricultural land as well as soil and water conservation. We will provide a link to Iowa's positions in the near future.
LWV Minnesota |
LWV WisconsinLWV Wisconsin has a positions on several water issues, read about water quality standards here and see more water positions in the menu on the left.
LWV MissouriLWV Missouri's water positions are based on the public trust doctrine and can be found beginning on page 42 in this document.