“With River Days of Action, we take a lesson from the River: we reach our grandeur by uniting.”
UMRR formed an InterLeague Organization to gather, now five states, of the Upper Mississippi River Region to work together to save, celebrate and honor our River. One upcoming event is to create a Mississippi River Day of Celebration. Our LWV UMRR ILO has been celebrating the River since 2015 and, maybe, you have been part of that celebration. There are so many ways to celebrate even if you don’t live next to the Mississippi. Of course traveling to a state park or area (restaurants, parks) along the Mississippi is always an option. But the river affects us through city water treatment plants, sewage plants, and going anywhere to drink or play in water. Many of you may have a relationship with the Izaak Walton League, or the Fish and Wildlife Refuge or Sierra Club or with the many clubs that support our nature and want to continue to use our resources to fish, hunt and play. The 100 Grannies in the Iowa City area are very involved with environmental forces. Join with another group, let the press know and have a celebration!
A clean up walk or watching a video or movie or reading a good book are all ways to celebrate and educate about the River. We went to the Galena Public Library to learn about the mining days and the Mississippi River influence on the community. So much to learn in so little time. I’m available to help brainstorm ideas.
Our 1Mississippi.org site has lots of information and ideas, too. To qualify to be listed on that site with a celebratory activity, the event must take place in early June. Send me an email ([email protected]) with UMRR in the subject area. I’d love to help you brainstorm. We should have an activity in each state. In today’s world where our environment is being attacked daily, education continues to be a force that won’t go away. Join a Mississippi River Celebration. Organizing for our future, Nancy Nancy is a member of LWV Johnson County (Iowa) as well as being a member of the LWV UMRR Board and Action Committee, and representing LWV UMRR in One Mississippi actions and projects. Comments are closed.
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